What You Need to Know Before Your Bodywork Session
When preparing for a bodywork session, it’s natural to want change—immediate relief, deep tissue manipulation, or a transformative experience. However, true healing is not something that can be rushed. One key element that’s often overlooked in bodywork is the autonomic nervous system (ANS), the part of your body that controls your response to stress, safety, and healing.
I Know Some Wise Bitches
This is the kind of wise woman we need to hear from - the one who has weathered the storms of life. She's buried her fair share of dreams, lovers, and even babies. But through it all, she's turned around and birthed a beautiful new life. This is the real wise woman in the community.
Brave Bitch
In a world that often prizes conformity over authenticity, Brave Bitch stands for something different. My unique methodology is a celebration of diverse ways of thinking, unconventional perspectives, and the incredible power of intuition.